Loss of freedom through deception

AI-voiceover of a lecture by Matthias Weidner. He explains how it is tried to deprive all people of the world of their individual rights protected by the state. The claim to power of the FRG, EU, UNO, WHO etc. is justified by the deception that their power allegedly came about by election. In order to be able to carry out this project successfully, the power structure needs stateless persons. Almost everyone is not aware that we are talking exactly about them, but only through the physical possession of citizenship is it possible to stop this rampant disenfranchisement.
We are deceived through falsification of history, so that these rulers can enforce the perfect privatization and supervision. World peace can only be brought about when it is recognized that each government of the 193 countries of the UN is working against its own people.

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Beitragsaufrufe: 34

Dieser Beitrag hat 2 Kommentar(e)

  1. Hallo Jo, herzlichen Dank für den Vortrag in English. Ich wollte eben dieselbe Nachricht überbringen wie mein Vorredner. Wir haben den Film im Pazifik angesehen und werden diesen kräftig teilen. Wir sind alle im gleichen Boot Liebe Grüße 😶‍🌫️

  2. Danke Jo, dass Du die englische Übersetzung des informativen Vortrags von Herrn Weidner bereit stellst. Am Ende der letzten 30 Sekunden fehlt leider der Ton, da hatte die KI wohl keine Lust mehr. 😀

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