Loss of freedom through deception

AI-voiceover of a lecture by Matthias Weidner. He explains how it is tried to deprive all people of the world of their individual rights protected by the state. The claim to power of the FRG, EU, UNO, WHO etc. is justified by the deception that their power allegedly came about by election. In order to […]

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Advocate for the Germans

William Toel talks about the plan by allied forces to destroy every bit of self esteem and pride in Germans forever and replace it with shame and guilt. Society has carefully trained them not to talk about it. We are living in a time of great historical change and more and more people are feeling […]

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Elite Rituals – I´ve been there

English dubbed German interview with Chantal Frei who was “Mother of Darkness” in a elite satanic cult. From childhood on she has been abused in rituals and raised to the highest levels. She describes royal manhunts, torture, gruesome rituals and names the prominent people she has encountered. Her book is also out in English now. Dr. Marcel Polte is also author of books dealing with these dark topics that most people don´t know about. It might take place in their neighbourhood and with famous politicians, royals, musicians and actors, and happens all the time, protected by the system.

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Love Germany

In a heart-moving interview William Toel talks about his love for Germany and Germans, the plan by allied forces in WWII to destroy every bit of self esteem and pride in Germans forever and replace it with shame and guilt. He says, Germans are innocent of crimes they themselves have not committed. They should be […]

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Could Corona be a conspiracy?

German author and host of Bewusst.tv speaks about which signs for a conspiracy with a pandemic to induce fear can be seen, which plans for a New world order are currently evolving. Download with right click: MP4 format | WebM format | Audioformat Bewusst.tv App für Android Bitcoin: 3NQU45QXNbgC5Ke2G1iUAKBH12H1h3UmAu Kann Corona eine Verschwörung sein? Auch […]

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Sacha Stone on World-changes

Jo Conrad interviews Sacha Stone about the Corona-situation, Qanon and Trump-movement, 5G, the plans of dark forces and the abuse of children and the spiritual victory of mankind. It is a slow process and not everything that is happening will be publicly seen. But the changes are there. (Ein deutsches Voiceover ist geplant) Download mit […]

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David Icke and the Corona conspiracy

as the video keeps being deleted and banned in the internet we are encouraged to share this amazing interview with David Icke on London Real TV. Download video: MP4 format | WebM format | Audioformat Spenden an: Verein zur Förderung zensurfreier Medien Kreissparkasse Northeim (abgekürzt KSN) IBAN: DE15262500010172024952 BIC: NOLADE21NOM dieunbestechlichen.com

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Healing Conciousness

Quantum Shamanic Healer Mira Michelle and Jo Conrad talk about consciousness and healing, staying awake and positive in modern society and standing up for peace! (eine Deutsche Übersetzung folgt noch) Download video: MP4 format | WebM format | Audioformat www.sacredfemalerising.com

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The Alien perspective

Simon Parkes is only part human on the soullevel. Coming from a family with secret service backgrounds he knows a lot about secret plans for mankind and the big changes ahead. In an interview with Jo Conrad he reveals amazing knowledge.

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No fear of cancer. Understanding the New Medicine

Interview with Harald Baumann about the causes of every disease and healing processes. Understanding these basic laws can release every fear of getting a disease, including cancer. Hier kann man die Bewusst.TV App für Android Geräte herunterladen und installieren. Bewusst.tv App mit Rechtsklick runterladen. Wenn Sie Bewusst.tv unterstützen möchten: Jo Conrad DE43 2916 6568003 68460 […]

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