Elite Rituals – I´ve been there

English dubbed German interview with Chantal Frei who was “Mother of Darkness” in a elite satanic cult. From childhood on she has been abused in rituals and raised to the highest levels. She describes royal manhunts, torture, gruesome rituals and names the prominent people she has encountered. Her book is also out in English now. Dr. Marcel Polte is also author of books dealing with these dark topics that most people don´t know about. It might take place in their neighbourhood and with famous politicians, royals, musicians and actors, and happens all the time, protected by the system.

Amazon.de : chantal frei speaking out

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Dieser Beitrag hat 2 Kommentar(e)

  1. Dear Sir or Madam
    I am being tortured daily by the CIA with MK Ultra and my life is in danger. My parents had contact with secret services before I was born. They don’t tell anything and now they are slaves themselves, but they don’t know anything. My genes are from different star beings. I have had extraterrestrial contact for 18 weeks. One being does not leave my side. Others are on the roof of the house. These tests on children are done by Satanists/Freemasons. My grandfather(Raymond Jenny) was involved, as well as family Stützenberger and Kühberger from Germany. Quite a few murders have already been committed. Ukraine has to do with these crimes. Nothing must happen to my parents. I have to leave the country, but I have no way. Please help me.
    Kind regards
    Jerome F. Jenny
    Huebweg 3, 8635 Oberdürnten.
    Telegram : Mindcontrol in Switzerland : t.me/Berndybroter
    God is with you.

  2. Hello beloved victims
    I experience your things since my birth, however, these experiences were erased after my kindergarten. Again and again. The kindergarten where this happened is in Wetzikon/ZH. The kindergarten teacher worked with a governmental Stasi agency. The underground facility is under this kindergarten and goes in the direction of the fire department, probably on to the Catholic church. There are such facilities all over the country. Conspicuous children with green or blue eyes are used for tests. It is about our ancestors who are aliens. The state wants to create a god-like person in order to abuse them for its own interests. Unfortunately, these persons are manipulated and observed in their later life in order to carry out their own crossbreeding as they see fit. Criminal organizations are brought in to fund these abuses. The state gives these organizations a free hand. All actions of the victims are influenced to their liking. Child abuse is the order of the day. It is always Zionists/Freemasons. They are represented in all state institutions and have all medium and large companies already in their hands. Worldwide. Share my story. It’s about your ass !
    Telegram : t.me/Berndybroter

    Another underground complex for these experiments on humans (Cern) is located under Chion Castle. An entrance is located in a school building in Territet. Please act accordingly. My life is in the highest danger and I am tormented here in Oberdürnten by the whole quarter. The entire Huebweg in besieged Oberdürnten is being used by intelligence agents to destroy my parents (slaves) and me. My parents have been fitted with RFID chips. They don’t know anything. My brother is involved in this. They all belong to this secret society (Freemasons) I have written to them several times and hope they take this seriously.
    Kind regards
    Jerome F. Jenny
    Huebweg 3, 8635 Oberdürnten

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