Love Germany
In a heart-moving interview William Toel talks about his love for Germany and Germans, the plan by allied forces in WWII to destroy every bit of self esteem and pride in Germans forever and replace it with shame and guilt. He says, Germans are innocent of crimes they themselves have not committed. They should be comfortable in their own skin, and like themselves, and each other, as Germans.
As a former runner-up for the U.S. Senate, Mr. Toel has Interviewed hundreds of leaders in all spheres of the German society and has a unique union of military, international business, banking and academic experience.
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Die Worte, die William Toel zu uns spricht, wirken heilend. Man spürt während des ganzen Gespräches, dass sie aus seinem tiefsten Herzen kommen. Vielen herzlichen Dank für die liebevollen und gleichzeitig offenen und klaren Worte, die auch mich zu Tränen rührten.
Man kann uns nicht oft genug darauf hinweisen, wie sehr wir unser ganzes Leben lang belogen wurden. Dies wird uns helfen, endlich unsere “deutsche Seele” wieder wahrzunehmen. Über die Selbstliebe kommen wir wieder in unsere Kraft, und vielleicht spüren wir sogar den “Glow” von damals, den Herr Toel so wunderbar beschreibt.
Ich werde mir das Interview noch mehrmals anhören, denn es hat eine besonders positive, heilsame Wirkung. Danke! Genau das ist es, was wir dringend brauchen, um die Chance des lichtbringenden Sturmes auch nutzen zu können. Lasst uns mit vereinten Kräften, in Liebe und Frieden, die Veränderung erschaffen, die wir verdienen.
When I read this comment , I didn’t know how many mistakes creeped in that text. I think a lot of them made the Program. A lot of them is possible in the Phrases because its adjust in German. Would you excuse it, please:
Oh yes, your interview is the best proof for the words Mr. Toel just mentioned about Germany anActually d the Germans. You invited him and you talked with him all over the time entirely in English. And you doesn’t translate his words. Actually I could understand the complete Interview.
People, who watched your channel were forced to speak an to understand English.
I´m not shure, if my english grammar is correct, but I hope so.
What an evidence we need more for the endeavor of the Germans to understand foreign people. And the most people, who cal us racists and would prefer to destroy our society and to redeem our folk, they neither can understand English nor they understand what a beautiful soul is leading us.
I am proud on the Germans an I’m proud on you.
But I dislike all people, who are demonstrating for „Black live Matters“ and want to abolish the German life and destroy the succeeds the German folk achieves in the last 75 years. We erected one of the biggest economic standards in the world and the Germans became one of the most leading and riches nations in the world.
I think Mr. Toel was impressed of this affords too. And the members of „Deep State“ couldn’t agree with that, and that’s the reason, why they accept it until yet.
Love you both.! Great thanks!